Welcome Statement
The members of Redeemer Lutheran Church believe that God loves, forgives, and calls each of us unconditionally and that every human being is created in the image of God.
As a result, we welcome all people into our community of faith and invite them to join us as we are embraced and changed by God’s love for us and strive to be faithful messengers of that love in the world.
Because Jesus calls us to healing and wholeness, we stand against all forms of prejudice and injustice, especially racism, and join hands with all people everywhere regardless of race, age, gender identity or expression, relationship status, physical and intellectual abilities, sexual orientation, religious or nonreligious affiliation, national origin, ethnicity, or social and economic status.
We celebrate both the diversity of God’s creation and our unity as God’s people.
Our welcome statement identifies us as a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which underscores our commitment to all of God’s children.
Meet Our Staff
Since coming to Redeemer in the fall of 2017, I’ve loved walking with a community that truly wants to love in the way of Jesus. Not the Jesus that lots of Christians use as a weapon against LGBTQIA+ people or people of color or women or immigrants or science. But the Jesus who promises to walk by our sides wherever we find ourselves, and who says, “Make yourselves at home in my love.” It’s the Jesus who wants us to feel free to be authentically ourselves, to live without fear of judgment or failure or what others think of us. I love conversations, so if you’d like to connect for a coffee, let me know!
I grew up in Wooster, Ohio, studied political science at Carleton College in Minnesota, served for three years as a legislative aide in the Ohio House of Representatives, then went to Yale Divinity School, and, after being a pastor for a couple years, got a master’s in clinical social work at the University of Chicago. I served as a pastor for 23 years in two different congregations in Seattle, as well as working in a place that created healing community for those traumatized by homelessness, addiction, and other mental health challenges.
I find my job at Redeemer to be a home-coming of sorts: my first job was as an assistant teacher at the Redeemer preschool in the early 1970s. I have spent my working life alternating between child care/teaching and office work for nonprofit organizations. It’s remarkable how similar the skill sets can be for the two career paths! I also participate actively at Redeemer, from lay reading to serving on the healing prayer team.
I was born and grew up in Toledo, but have lived most of my life in husband Larry’s hometown of Columbus, where we are enjoying (semi)retirement. Our daughters, Ginny and Rose, have also returned to Columbus.
Karen Kent
Pianist/Chimes Choir Director
I have been a church musician in Columbus for over 40 years. Prior to joining Redeemer in 1981, I served at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (now Grace of God), Atonement Lutheran, and North Community Lutheran. I am the pianist for Redeemer’s worship services on at least two Sundays each month, as well as the director of the Chimes Choir and the accompanist for the Senior Choir. I am always on the lookout for beautiful and interesting arrangements of familiar hymn tunes to both soothe my soul and share with my Redeemer family.
Now retired from Columbus City Schools, I am a mother to Kate and Tom and grandmother to Miles.
Kathy Rapp
Organist/Senior Choir Director
I have been the organist at Redeemer since 2003 and became choir director in 2010. I have been involved in church music since joining the choir when I was 6 years old, and have held several church organist positions since high school. My sister, Karen, is the pianist for Redeemer, and we enjoy playing piano duets and piano/organ duets for worship.
I am a retired school music teacher and studied at Capital University. My husband, Bob, is an electrician. We have three grown children and seven grandchildren. I love to sew and crochet but especially enjoy being with my family.
Marshall Edgington
I am originally from Dayton and have four children and five grandchildren. I have been a custodian at Redeemer since July 2018. I also am a maintenance man in the facilities department at Capital University. My hobbies include fishing and reading.