Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 2020
September 27, 2020
Click HERE for Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost bulletin
There were technical difficulties that made it impossible to stream the service. However, Michele Disbro was able to record the service on her phone. She wasn’t hooked up to the soundboard, so there is significant background noise. If you’d like to see this version, click HERE
You can watch our Live Streamed service using many different devices such as: a smartphone, a tablet, an iPad, a laptop or desktop computer (either Mac or PC), or a smart TV. But no matter which device you use, simply click HERE for Redeemer’s Youtube channel.
If you have the Youtube application loaded on your device, and you would rather use it, then search for “redeemer columbus” and that should also get you to our Youtube channel.
About 10 minutes before the actual service begins we will start our live streaming a slide show loop, with a countdown timer, so you can get your device set up with plenty of time before the service starts. If you try to access this before 10’till all you will see is our past video uploads (just wait) Once you see the video titled “RLC Service mm/dd/yyyy” with the correct date, tap on it to watch the service live.